• Flutter Mobile App Dev

Flutter Course Syllabus:

1.Introduction to Flutter:
Introduction to Flutter and its features
Benefits of Flutter
Setting up the development environment

2.Dart Programming Language:
Introduction to dart programming language
Benefits of Dart
Data Types
Const Final
Var and Dynamic
Null Safety
Control Flow and Loops 

Error handling and exceptions
Object Oriented Programming 
Class Modifiers

Understanding the Flutter architecture
Creating a basic Flutter project
Exploring the Flutter project structure

5.Introduction To widgets:
Understanding Flutter's widget tree hierarchy
Handling user input with widgets
Styling widgets with themes and styles
Navigation and Routing 
Passing data between screens
Implementing bottom navigation bars and tabs
Building responsive layouts
State Management 

Understanding Error Messages
Using Debug Mode
Add Break Points
Type of Exceptions
Watch Lists

7.Forms and validation with Flutter:
Form validation
Global key referencing
Retrieving form values
Submitting the form

8.Http request with Flutter:
Asynchronous programming
Fetch http requests
Working with JSON
Casting JSON to model instances

9.Storing and retrieving data using local databases (Sqflite):
Creating database connections
CRUD with SQLite
Working with shared preferences 

10.Working with Third Party Library and Device Features:
Working with Camera,Connectivity,sensors,location,
Picking Files and images from Devices

11.Flutter and Firebase Integration:
Social Login (Google and Facebook)
Push notifications with Firebase Cloud Messaging 
Local Notifications

Basic git classes
Creating a repository on GitHub
Pushing local changes into the repository
Pulling and cloning projects from the repository

13.App publishing and Deployment:
Publishing the app to App store
Publishing the app to Google play store
Preparing your app for release
Building and generating APK and IPA files
Testing the app on different devices and platforms
App signing and generating release builds
Publishing apps to Google Play Store and Apple App Store

App store guidelines and submission process